Thursday, March 31, 2011

No Problem - part 2

Car stereo stolen ... No problem !!!
Bookshelf cracking under the weight .... No problem !!!
No ice chest ... No problem !!!
Wiper not working ... No problem !!!
Can't read the ATM screen ... No problem !!!
Car imported from the wrong country ... No problem !!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

icon pum minyak

 Siape sangka icon pum minyak kat dash board kereta menunjukan arah kiri ataupun kanan tempat untuk mengisi minyak kereta. Jika memandu kereta sendiri memang tiada masalah tapi jika memandu kereta sewa atau kereta pinjam ia akan membahayakan diri. Semasa hendak mengisi minyak mesti kite pandang kiri ataupun kanan side mirror, ini akan memberhayakan pemanduan dan rasa kurang selesa.

What to do when your tyres blow out while driving


Release your foot on the accelerator n let the vehicle slow down by itself.

Hold the steering firmly and keep your eyes on the road.


Pewangi tin dalam kereta boleh meletop..

Peyeludupan dadah didalam botol minuman

Berhati hati apabila seseorang yang tidak dikenali meminta tolong untuk memegang sebotol air mineral. Walaupun orang itu seorang wanita tua atau seorang wanita sedang megandung. Hanya dengan sebab ringan tulang untuk menolong atau kasihan, anda akan terperangkap dalam masalah besar. 

DS SAMY VELLU who will be always remembered

We will miss DS Samy Vellu with his famous quotes ever made. 
Go to fullsize image
1. Samy Velu quoted on Pos Laju:
"Besoh kirim, hari ini juga sampai"

2. On one TV news when he tried to say he felt very ashamed:
"Ini prekara sangat memalukan saya dan kemaluan saya sangat-sangat la besar"

3. Samy said in one of his “ceramah”:
"Kita akan bina satu jambatan wuntuk worang2 kampong di sini." Then one pakcik asked, "Datuk, sini takde sungai, buat apa bina jambatan? " And Samy gloriously replied, "Kalao takde sungai, kita bina sungai"

4. Samy's most favourite quote on the news for the decade is this:
"Toll naik sikit, banyak marah saya. You worang ingat semua ini toll saya punyer bapah punya kah!”

5. During water crisis:
"Semua worang diminta jangan membuang aiyerr!"

6. On social society's problem:
"Worang2 muda sekarang banyak suka hisap dade"

7. During blood donation's program at Sungai Siput:
"Marilah kita semua menderma dare"

8. His welcome speech in most of his functions:
"Selamat datang saudara-mara semua" (It should have been “saudara-saudari”)

9. During the height of the Al-Arqam's saga, he said in a press conference:
"Saya gumbira bahawa didapati tiada pemuda MIC terlibat dalam kes Arqam"

10. At an opening ceremony for a new building:
"Mempersilakan Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz naik dari pentas wuntuk membuka kain"

And of course the world's greatest joke of all times:

"Kita akan bina roket pigi matahari." One of the reporter responded, "Tapi Datuk, matahari terlalu panas untuk didekati." Samy replied, "Itu tade masalah. Kita hantar waktu malam"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Can You Spot Him ?


Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in the coffee beans in 3 seconds, the right half of your brain is better developed than most people.

- Between 3 seconds and 1 minute, the right half of the brain is developed normally.
- Between 1 minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein.
- After 3 minutes, the advice is to look for more of this type of exercise to make that part of the brain stronger

in case of riot

Dangerous Foods

1. Durian 

It has been proven that consuming alcohol while or after eating this fruit can be deadly. It makes alcohol processing almost impossible for the liver.


2. Monkey Brains

If you eat monkey’s brains you might get infected with a disease similar to mad cow disease. Your brain would in that case turn to squish. 

3. Thai Bat Soup (Grilled Chinese Rat)

The meat of bats and rats can contain parasites or pathogens that can make you seriously ill. In the end you can always blame the chef.

4. Cassava (Yuca)

If it is cooked incorrectly it can let out certain amounts of cyanide. Cassava can leave you paralyzed or in some cases you can dye from cyanide poisoning.

5. Fugu

The Fugu fish can only be prepared by licensed Japanese chefs because its liver is extremely toxic and can kill you. If you ate the wrong piece of fish you would firs feel numbness, then pain, and finally paralysis that stop the muscles of the diaphragm from working, smothering you to death.

Hand through a Fish Tank (Magic)

Khinzir Mangalitsa

Khinzir Mangalitsa yang aslinya berasal dari Austria dan Hungaria.

Character "龙" appearing in a cole flower field

The giant traditional Chinese character "龙" appearing in a cole flower field in Longgong Anshun City, Guizhou Province. The character "龙," which is pronounced "long" in pinyin and means "dragon" in English.
Its covering a area of more than 80,000 square meters.


Hayabusa shinkansen or bullet train

The new Hayabusa shinkansen or bullet train runs in Aomori, northern Japan March 5, 2011. It can travel at speeds of up to 300 km per hour and it has the longest nose of any shinkansen at 15 meters.

Monday, March 28, 2011

No Problem - part 1

No spoon ... No problem !!!
Seatbelt broken .... No problem !!!
New TV too big for the old cabinet ... No problem !!!
No bottle opener .... No problem !!!
Room too dark ... No problem !!!
Electrical problem ... No problem !!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mumia Ming Dynasty

Mumia wanita di percayai dari Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) dijumpai di Taizhou City, China. Mumia wanita yang jelas kelihatan pakaian dan rambut masih dalam keadaan baik.
1.5-meter-long female corpse
glutinous rice and lime which muffled up the coffin

soaked in a yellow liquid

Terselamat tiga kali tsunami

Teru Suzuki 86 tahun terselamat dari 3 bencana besar tsunami dalam diari hidupnya. Pertama gempabumi berukuran 8.1 magnitude pada tahun 1933, kedua pada tahun 1960 terjadinya tsunami pada gempabumi 9.5 magnitude di chile dan ketiga gempabumi 9.0 magnitude yang melanda Fukushima minggu lepas.

A black and White

A black penguin is believed to be suffering from a condition known as melanism. He was spotted on Fortuna Bay, a sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, about 860 miles off the Falklands.
An African white lion cub is seen at a wildlife reserve near Livingston, Zambia.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Petua hilangkan parut

Daun lidah buaya
Ambil daun lidah buaya buang duri di kiri dan kanan daun. Kemudian buang sedikit kulit daun tersebut untuk mendapatkan lendirnya. Sapu lendir daun lidah buaya tersebut pada parut di muka atau badan. InsyaAllah parut akan cepat sembuh terutama sekali parut yang masih baru.

Kulit kayu manis
Ambil kulit kayu manis kikis pada lesung batu sehingga jadi serbuk. Kemudian sapu pada parut, mungkin terasa  panas sedikit.

Limau nipis
Cuci muka dengan air perahan limau nipis untuk menghilangkan kesan parut jerawat tetapi jangan diamalkan selalu kerana boleh menghilang kan kelembapan kulit muka.

Putih telur
Cubalah gunakan putih telur ayam kampung. Setiap kali hendak tidur, sapukan putih telur tersebut pada parut luka itu. Lakukan secara terus-menerus.

Produk kesihatan
1. Sabun Lintah
2. Krim Dolla Cantik 
Sabun Lintah
Krim Dollar Cantik