Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dangerous Foods

1. Durian 

It has been proven that consuming alcohol while or after eating this fruit can be deadly. It makes alcohol processing almost impossible for the liver.


2. Monkey Brains

If you eat monkey’s brains you might get infected with a disease similar to mad cow disease. Your brain would in that case turn to squish. 

3. Thai Bat Soup (Grilled Chinese Rat)

The meat of bats and rats can contain parasites or pathogens that can make you seriously ill. In the end you can always blame the chef.

4. Cassava (Yuca)

If it is cooked incorrectly it can let out certain amounts of cyanide. Cassava can leave you paralyzed or in some cases you can dye from cyanide poisoning.

5. Fugu

The Fugu fish can only be prepared by licensed Japanese chefs because its liver is extremely toxic and can kill you. If you ate the wrong piece of fish you would firs feel numbness, then pain, and finally paralysis that stop the muscles of the diaphragm from working, smothering you to death.

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